My Tour of Banija 2007
I do not know exactly when the idea of riding around Banija entered my mind, but once it did I knew that sooner or later I will have to do it. But, why to ride around Banija? Would that be, as Forrest Gump could put it, “for no particular reason”? Was the ride meant to be some sort of tribute to the area that I call home, or just a self-serving act of bicycling in
Shipping the bicycle
One of the questions that were constantly on my mind before boarding the flight was whether and how much I will be charged for flying the bicycle. Eventually it turned out that I did not have to worry about it because the United and Croatia Airlines treated the box as a regular piece of luggage for which they assessed no additional fee.
Preparation for the ride I got up early in the morning on the day of the ride. The purpose was not only to start the ride early in the day, but also to eat properly ahead of the ride and allow for at least one hour of rest before commencing the ride. Eating before the ride was very important because of my expectation that the ride will last between 7 and 8 hours at the expense of about 1000 kcal per hour. Therefore, it was very important to eat at least 1000 to 1500 kcal before the ride. I knew I could not eat more than that without overloading myself. I also knew that I could consume additional 2000 to 3000 kcal from energy bars during the ride. The difference in energy need not covered by these intakes would have to come on a loan from my body tissues.
The Ride
Another couple of miles later, I passed the town of Dvor , crossed the river Una, and entered the Bosnian town of Novi . The river Una is of an exceptionally beauty. It was probably a combination of its unique shade of the green and white water waterfalls that impressed the Romans so much to name the river Una (Una means something like “the only one”, or “one of a kind”). Today, the river separates Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina . In the past, the river
was separating major world powers. For a long time the river separated the Ottoman Empire from the Austrian Empire (later Austro-Hungarian Empire). For several years,specifically between 1809 and 1813, the river separated the Ottoman Empire from Austrian and French Empires. Because of its strategic position, Banija was integrated well into the second half of the 19th century, in a defense line called Military Frontier, which was organized as a defense line aimed at preventing the Ottoman Turks to penetrate deeper in Europe .

I crossed the river to ride in Bosnia because of the better road over there. Although originally I intended to stay on the Bosnian side until the town of Bosanska Dubica , the closure of the border crossing in Dubica made me modify my plan and re-enter Croatia in the town of Hrvatska Kostajnica .
Hrvatska Kostajnica experienced very heavy fighting in 1991 when animosities between the Croatian forces and Croatian Serb population erupted in war. The town suffered enormously and many buildings are still showing the signs of devastation. Many were damaged beyond repair and are standing as silent reminders of those lead-laden times. The question they seemed to be asking silently is: “why”??? In sharp contrast with damaged and abandoned buildings, stood freshly painted churches. During my visit to Croatia I concluded that the majority of freshly renovated facades outside of Zagreb , the Croatia ’s capital, are either Catholic Church buildings or buildings carrying billboards. The Kostajnica region was home to two Borojevics: Svetozar who was the only Slav field marshal in the Austro-Hungarian military, and Slavko who as a partisan heroically fought the Nazis for four years before becoming a world renowned plant geneticist.
The next town on my route was the town of Hrvatska Dubica . The only thing I would mention about this small town was the road sign pointing toward Jasenovac, the place where one of the most notorious death camps of World War II was located. The camp, which actually consisted of several smaller camps gravitating toward Jasenovac, was fully operated by the Ustashi. An approximate, let alone exact, number of people who were killed in Jasenovac has not been fully established. Current estimates, which put the number to about 100,000, are not universally accepted. In truth, it is not only the number of victims that would matter, but also the manner of their death. Killing in Jasenovac was a very personal thing at which a sadistic brutality ruled. In absolute numbers the Serbs were ethnically the most represented group of victims followed by the Romas, Jews, and Croats who refused to collaborate with the Ustashi regime. Instead of riding to Jasenovac and consequently leaving Banija, I decided not to do that but to continue my ride around Banija.
Following the ride through a succession of villages, I arrived in the town of Sunja . I remember Sunja fondly for the time in my fifth grade when I played there my first table tennis tournament representing my school for the first time. Before the war of the 90’s, Sunja was, like pretty much the rest of Banija, the home to a mixed population that consisted of the Croats and Serbs. Harmonious at other times, in the 90’s such mixture was mostly a recipe for fighting and Sunja was no exception. The town witnessed some of the worst destruction. The railroad station building, which stood there in 2005 as a monument to those unfortunate times, was not there this time. It has been demolished.

A few miles later, I entered Petrinja, an old town on two rivers, Kupa and Petrinjcica. Entering the town, I crossed a defunct railroad that once connected Sisak with the town of Karlovac . Sometime I think about this abandoned railroad wondering what it would take to transform it one day into new W&OD trail. In other words, what would it take to convert the railroad into a bike trail. What a bike trail that would be? Long stretches of flats combined with some hills! Would the locals be ready to use such trail? Would the trail help to further interest in biking in this area? How hard would it be for somebody to push to make this happen? Considering the long and productive past of the town, which witnessed one of its own, Vlado Lisjak the wrestler, winning the Olympic gold in Los Angeles in 1984, maybe the prospect for the bike trail is not hopeless. Who knows?
An extended, but not too steep, hill signaled that I was leaving Petrinja and entering the village of Zupic . At that spot I began to see signs indicating that some swats of territory have not yet been cleared of landmines. After a few fairly steep and long hills, followed by a long flat section, I entered the town of Glina . My village always gravitated toward Glina, which made me consider Glina my home town. Never mind the 11 miles separating Mali Gradac and Glina. For a long time Glina was a border town with the Ottoman Empire . A number of important historical figures spent some time serving in Glina. In the mid 19th Century, Josif Runjanin, a Croatian Serb serving his military duty in Glina, composed the melody for the Croatian patriotic poem “Lijepa nasa” or “My beautiful homeland,” which soon thereafter became the Croatian national anthem. The exceptional beauty of the melody apparently inspired Maxim Gorkij to recommend the Soviet Union anthem be developed similar to the “Lijepa nasa” melody. Petar Krizanic Pjer, the leading Yugoslav caricaturist before and after the Second World War, was born in Glina. The same goes for the popular Yugoslav actor Petar Kralj, who originates in the village of Roviska , just outside of Glina. In Majske Poljane, another village just outside of Glina, the mathematician Djuro Kurepa was born. The same Kurepa who enriched the mathematical science by lending his name to the term called “Kurepa tree,” also known as “Kurepa hypothesis.”
A short stop in the local park reminded me of two things. One that this same park of linden trees will soon be celebrating its 200th anniversary. The trees where planted by the French sometime between 1809 and 1813 when Glina, along with the rest of Banija, was incorporated in the Illyrian Provinces. The Provinces were an integral part of the French Empire. Two, the marks of bullets on some houses surrounding the park, reminded me of June 1991, when leaving my parents on one Monday afternoon I told them that I will be back on the following Friday. However, it was not meant to be, as on Wednesday that week fighting broke out in Glina, which effectively cut all connections between Banija and the rest of Croatia . That Monday was the last time I saw my mother alive.
One other infamous event occurred in Glina in August 1941. The Ustashi corralled about 1450 local Serbs, locked them in a local Orthodox Christian Church, and killed them one by one by knives. Only one person, Ljuban Jednak, survived the massacre by playing dead. Ljuban subsequently joined the partisans. The Croatian forces recapturing of Glina in 1995 forced him, along with thousands of others, out of Banija and Croatia in 1995. He died in exile in Serbia shortly thereafter.
Mali Gradac

My former elementary school is located at the same spot where until the Second World War stood an Orthodox Christian Church. The Ustashi burned the church down. In the schoolyard stands a monument with the figure of a partisan holding a gun. On the two sides of the monument are two plaques with dozens of engraved names. On one plaque are the names of people of Mali Gradac who were physically killed by the fascists during the Second World War. (The plaque does not include the names of those who, like my grandfather Jovan, were killed by a disease.) On the other plaque are the names of the villagers who died during the war fighting as partisans. Summarily, the two plaques represent more than a third of the pre-war population of Mali Gradac. The village paid dearly for its participation in War World II.
Mali Gradac today is just a shadow of its former self. Relatively few people live there. Most of them are elderly who survived two major wars. Their children mostly do not live with them but rather elsewhere in Croatia , other territories of former Yugoslavia , or abroad just like me. In my opinion, it would not be entirely appropriate to blame the war of the nineties for the village’s lower population today. The socio-economic forces that were present long before the war were a factor too. Yet, the war greatly accelerated the decline of Mali Gradac. Some people died in the war, many were encouraged to leave following the fall of Krajina, and many have died due to natural causes. The duress of the war perhaps shortened the life expectancy of every person living there. Some thinkers point out that wars are generally not all that bad for the mankind as they tend to focus national resources toward the war effort from which consequently many civilian uses got developed. Maybe, but I do not think so. In my mind the wars bring primarily the death, destruction, and misery. Why bother developing something that kills people first before finding the civilian use second?
Empty villages inhabited with an aging population, destroyed buildings, monuments to the victims of the war in the nineties, signs pointing at uncleared landmine fields, destroyed industry, represent the sad legacy of the war in the region that throughout its turbulent history was so many times on fault lines of the world politics.
Ride statistics
To complete this 120-mile trip (192.6 km) it took me 7 hours, 5 minutes, and 59 seconds at the expense of 6862 kcal. I eat some pasta before the ride and two energy bars during the ride. In addition, I consumed two bottles of Gatorade and one of water. The road surface was fair though rough at some sections with lots of patches. The biking comfort was not a characteristic of the ride, as my bottom really hurt at times. Frequent changing of the riding position and standing out of the saddle helped a bit, but not enough to avoid being sore after the ride. I am grateful that my health allowed me to complete the ride and to my brother Djordje who patiently followed me in his car. I am also grateful to my adopted country of the
pozdrav iz irske
I was stationed in Zirovac in 1993-94 as a UN-Soldier. shocking to read about what happened there in 1995. Do you have any links where i can read more about what happend there. BTW I was in your village in 2011 as a tourist visting all the places i knew in Banijaa..
Hi Dragan
I was stationed in Zirovac as a UN Soldier in 1993-94 and i loved the hole area of Banija. so shocking to read about what happened in 1995. Do you have any links where i can read more about this massacre. I was i your village in 2010 as a tourist visiting all the places i knew from the war.
All the best
Morten Merstrand Denmark.
Hello Morten,
Small World! You made my day by letting me know that you spent part of your life in the area I call home. I am unaware of any particular source of information on that very sad event; there are bits here and there, but not a single comprehensive source.
My email address is:, in case you would like to exchange more thoughts.
Again, I appreciate very much your comment.
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